Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Act 1

    Today, I went to a play, hoping to having a relaxing evening. But of course, I arrived, and some idiot named Montfleury ruined my night. He is a horrible actor, and although I didn’t admit it, I also disliked him because I don’t think he is good enough for my cousin Roxane. Ah, Roxane is so great, she deserves an intelligent, handsome gentleman. Anyways, some guy named Valvert insulted my nose, and I was forced put him in his place by insulting his intellience. Afterwards, we initiated a duel, which I proudly won in front of a large crowd of people. Many congratulated me for this triumph. But I wasn’t able to celebrate for long, because I meet a poor poet who was going to be ambushed by 100 men. I had no choice but to fight these 100 men for this poet because he was drunk, and I felt bad for him for he was a poet like me. That man I beat in the duel, Valvert was associated with De Guiche. I can see that I may have future conflict with this guy.  But now, I think I may leave to get something to eat, I am hungry. All that I had to eat at the play was a grape, and half of a macaroon because I wanted to keep my pride. And, that is all for today. 

Act 2

     Today I decided to check in with my friend Ragueneau, a poet just like me. I arrived about six o’ clock in the morning to find him having trouble with his wife Lise. She is just not very supportive of him, she does not seem to like his poets and I think there is something else going on with her. Anyways, I learned that the town has figured out that 8 people are dead in the town square. I did not want to admit that I was responsible for this at the moment. I learned about a musketeer that Lise seemed to be fond of. I just hope that she does not run off with that man, Ragueneau is a good friend of mine. 
I learned that a man named De Guiche seems to love Roxane even though he is married, which immediately alarmed me because he is of high class. Unfortunately, Roxane told me I have to protect a man named Christian whom she loves. All I want is for Roxane to be happy, I am very fond of Roxane. After talking with Roxane, De Guiche visited me to discuss the duel and the men that I killed. He was not very happy about these things, but he held off, because I believe that he doest want to make Roxane dislike him. Cristian, this Norman, made fun of my nose, but I was forced to hold off because of my agreement with Roxane. But, I still gave him a heartfelt letter to send to Roxane, so she would find a person she loved for both their looks and their intelligence. I had quite a long day.

Act 3

      Building off yesterday, Lise did leave Ragueneau and I feel very sad about him though it was lost in the excitement of going to Roxane’s house. I felt exited about the letter that I wrote to Roxane, she really was passionate about that letter. Though, I was also let down, because I made it to believe that Christian wrote it. De Guiche then came in to visit Roxane, where we learned that me and Christian were going to the front to fight under the authority of De Guiche. When I came back, I brought Christian with me, but I learned that he would have to improvise some love poems for her. I told Cristian that I would give him some lines to read, but the idiot decided to try his luck and try to do it by himself. Anyways, he completely turned her off and messed it up real bad. The only way to get a second chance was for the both of us to stand underneath Roxane’s window, get her attention, then propose love for her poetically. First I just told Christian to repeat what I said, but then I took over, and fixed it for Christian. One thing I didn’t like was when Christian asked for a kiss, and I had to stop him from doing so. Overall it was a success, with Christian’s beauty and my intelligence, we have a good chance with Roxane.

Act 4

Today was a very though day, many things happened good and bad. I started off by spending the whole night crossing enemy lines, trying to keep my promise, and send letters to Roxane every day while we are on the front. The poor troops have been starving, but nonetheless, they must fight on. Then, when De Guiche showed up, and the troops quickly hid their despair, I really got De Guiche embarrassed. He had been captured by enemy soldiers and took his white scarf off to avoid being identified as an officer. I retrieved his scarf and brought it back to him, and he looked very bad in front of the cadets. I enjoy embarrassing De Guiche. I learned that we were to die that day, as a distraction for the rest of the army. Then to top it off, Roxane shows up in a carriage, which she and Ragueneau had driven through hostile Spanish lines. I guess that she could not bare to wait any longer for Christian to be back because she had been in love with my I mean Christian’s letters. She brought food for everyone, so they would die on a full stomache, and be motivated by her words. While this was going on, Christian told me that Roxane is really in love with the letters, and that she wouldn’t care if he was ugly. That when he told me that I should tell Roxane how I feel about her, I knew I should have, but I didn’t. Then Christian went off and died, then gave her my letter with his blood on it. Roxane grieved, while I went out fighting, running away from the truth.

Act 5

Well, It has been 15 years since the death of Christian, and Roxane is still in mourning, living in a monastery as a nun. I visit her every week, telling her of the town news in the courthouse. She tells me that I should get a patron, but I would not put myself into that amount of disrespect. I wish to keep my pride. I just wish I could see her more often and I was looking forward to seeing her today. Unfortunately, on my way over somebody dropped a log onto my head from a window, which left a huge gash in my head. But, that was not going to stop me from missing my time with Roxane. I hobbled over to her place, and managed to barely make it there. I then went over the daily news with her when we got onto the topic of Christian’s last letter. I decided to read it to her for the first and possibly last time. She was suspicious at first because of my passionate read, until it turned dark and I kept reading. That is when she figured out the truth after 15 years, I had wrote the letter and spoke to her under the window, not Christian. Christian had the good looks and I had the poetic ability which is like our letter, his blood with my tears and writing. I was finally able to get this burden off my back, I was able to express my love for Roxane. Though I never got to enjoy it thoroughly, I was finally able to be happy for a few moments until my death.

"Farewell Roxane, because today I die-
I know that it will be to-day,
My own dearly beloved-and my heart
Still so heavy with love I have not told,
And I die without telling you! No more
Shall my eyes drink the sight of you like wine,
Never more, with a look that is a kiss,
follow the sweet grace of you
I remember now the way 
You have, of pushing back a lock of hair
With one hand, from your forehead-and my heart
cries out
Cries out and keeps crying: Farewell, my dear,
My dearest
My heart's own,
My heart's own treasure
I am never away from you. Even now,
I shall not leave you. In another world,
I shall be still that one who loves you, loves you
Beyond measure, beyond"

---------------Blog by Evan McFarland
Period 3